NLP Motivation Exercise - Get Motivated with NLP!


The purpose of the NLP Motivation exercise is to enable you to motivate yourself to perform a particular action or behavior.

It is important to understand the steps so that you can perform this exercise without any doubt as to what you are doing and why, so do read the NLP Submodalities and NLP Memory Manipulation lessons before attempting this exercise.

For this exercise we are going to return to the submodality lists we used in the Lesson NLP Submodalities - Change your Reality.

Firstly, think of something that you are effortlessly motivated to do and fill in the left column, then think of the thing you want to be motivated for, but currently fail to achieve and fill in the right column.

Basically you are looking to create a list of which submodalities have differences between them.

If you would like to print out the grids used in this exercise then refer to the Submodality Worksheet.

Firstly list the visual differences:

Submodality Motivated Image Not Motivated Image

Now the Auditory differences:

Submodality Motivated Image Not Motivated Image

So now you should have a list of the differences between the two representations. The next step in this NLP motivation exercise is to work out which of the differences are key to creating the feeling of motivation.

So, returning to the unmotivated image, take each of the differing submodalities one at a time, change the submodality to match the submodality in the motivated representation.

For instance, if your motivated image was a moving image of you reading and the unmotivated image was a still image of you doing your taxes, change the image of you doing your taxes so that it is a moving image.

Notice how this change makes you feel, then change it back.

Go through each submodality in turn until you have changed the unmotivated image for each submodality, and hopefully worked out which submodality adjustment made the difference.

Once you know which submodality you need to work with, visualise the image again and make the submodality adjustment. Break state, then imagine the image again. Keep doing this adjustment until the shift is stays when you re-imagine the event.

Once you have finished, take a couple of seconds break, then think about the activity you had motivation for. Notice how you now feel about it. If you cannot tell the difference then go back through the submodalities again.

But just one thought? What do you use to find the motivation to use this NLP motivation exercise?


Previous comments

It works!

I used this NLP motivation exercise to get motivated to write a report I need to complete over the weekend. Found my main motivator was movement in the image. It worked a treat. Can't wait to try out motivating myself for all the other things I keep putting off.
The more I read about NLP, the more I like it

DaveG, London

Posted May 7, 2010 at 08:48

worked for me!!!!

loved it worked for me quite well i motivated myself to study earlier it used to be such a pain now in 2 mins i am actually enjoying studying.


Posted February 6, 2012 at 22:15

Great Stuff

Good Stuff Ash!

Chris Harrison, UK

Posted May 8, 2010 at 11:45

Hey. I have problems with copying the submodalities to the unmotivated image


Posted March 10, 2012 at 11:15

In what way?

Andy, What is happening when you attempt to copy the submodalities?

Chris Harrison, UK

Posted April 9, 2011 at 13:50