NLP Fast Phobia Cure - Cure your Phobia Fast


The NLP Fast Phobia Cure is probably the most effective, and certainly the quickest way to remove a phobia.

One of the key differences between the NLP approach and most other approaches can be seen simply by observing the clients approach to their fear after the intervention. Watching someone who has been led through aversion therapy, for instance, you will generally see someone who is still uneasy, but has enough self-control to work through their fearful reation.On the other hand, if you watch someone who had a spider phobia, for instance, after they have used the fast phobia cure they react to a spider without any sense of anxiety or fear whatsoever. Most phobia cures change massive flight-or-fight fear into anxiety; The NLP approach turns it into indifference or curiosity.

It is important to understand the steps so that you can perform this exercise without any doubt or confusion as to what you are doing and why.

It is also important to read the NLP Submodalities and NLP Memory Manipulation lessons before attempting this exercise, and to read the article on How to fix a phobia to check that it is a phobia you are dealing with, as if it isn't a phobia then another NLP exercise may be more appropriate..

The NLP Phobia cure is similar to a number of submodality interventions covered in the articles above, but is one of the more complex ones.

Firstly, think of the item that you are afraid of, and notice your internal representation. The main difference internally between a phobia, which usually gives a very strong fight-or-flight reaction, and a more subtle reaction such as anxiety or discomfort, is usually the movement element of the representation,

Usually, with a phobia, the internal reaction has a major movement element. Something within the representation is usually moving very fast.

“Now our unconscious mind often gives the right idea and then they take charge of it consciously and messes it up.”

Milton Erickson

For instance, if you have a phobia of spiders, you may imagine a spider running across the carpet towards you.

If you have a phobia of flying, you may imagine being on a plane as it falls out of the sky.

A second element of phobias is that the representation is associated rather than disassociated.

So, assuming your phobia matches this critera, then its time to work through the NLP fast phobia cure.

NLP Fast Phobia Cure - Step by Step

Once you are aware of the representation, run the move though a couple of times in your head, slowly if you want as that should be less stressful. You can also shrink the movie down and run through it in black and white, The aim is to work out what the end frame of the movie is.

Once you are aware of the final frame, take this image in black and white, and in your mind imagine you are in a cinema, and the image is on the cinema screen in front of you, seeing the image from your own point of view (still associated), as if you were an audience member in an empty cinema.

Now from that point, float up out of your body so that you are in the projection booth at the back of the cinema. Now you are watching yourself, watching the final still frame of the movie.

“Most people plan by disaster. They think of what can go wrong and then they master it.”

Richard Bandler

Next as quickly as possible, run the movie backwards from the final frame to the beginning frame, watching the whole event going backwards - for instance, in the spider example, the spider would run backwards away from you.

Once you have done this, take a moments break and then return the screen to the final image (without running the movie forward), and run it backwards as fast as possible again.

Do this several times. It should become easier and quicker with each attempt.

Once you find this effortless, you may wish to take a break and then test your work by thinking of whatever used to scare you and see how it makes you feel.

What if my Fast Phobia Cure doesn't work?

The NLP Fast Phobia cure is usually very effective, but like most NLP techniques you really need to commit to it. Are you running the film through quickly? Are you really focusing on the steps? Are you actually using the correct representation, or are you using the representation you think you ought to have for your phobia?

Most of the problems people new to NLP have when trying to work through exercises such as this relate to an inability to become aware of their own internal representations and strategies. This all comes down to practice. If this is the first NLP technique you've used in anger then try some of the other NLP exercises to improve your awareness of your own thought processes the return to this one and work thought it again.


See also:
